Inspiration "Leave
only hoof prints, take only memories"
inspiration for this business comes from caring for
our beloved trail horse, Poco, who passed away on
June 8th of 2014. He was a 25 year old quarter horse
from the Poco Bueno bloodline, and from time-to-time
experienced the typical senior ailments. He was also
a cribber, but we successfully controlled this 'naturally',
without the need for cribbing collars. He was the
gentle giant, proud ruler of the pasture and watched
over the herd 24/7. Due to the excellent TLC he received
at Painted Oaks Boarding for Retired Equines, he kept
up easily with his younger pasture mates.
name "Painted Oaks" stems from our love
of Quarter Horse Paints (along with all the oak trees
on the property).Bernie is Daphne's current trail
horse, and hails from South Dakota (Bernie likes the
warm weather in VA).
was Bernie's best friend, but unfortunately has passed
on due to squamous cell carcinoma. Caring for Bill
during his 4-year battle with cancer gave us our extensive
'post-op training'. Bill taught many friends to ride,
and he is missed greatly.
losing Bill, we purchased another Paint, Bailey (who
had large hooves to fill), and she is Dennis's "girl"
and has become a welcome addition to the herd!